

Significantly improving the performance of established plants.

Strategic valve management can significantly improve the performance of established power generation and industrial processing plants.

Our ultimate goal is to eradicate valve-related problems through engineered solutions. A unique Repair Intelligence™ process underpins an ability to re-engineer and warrant entire valve populations, including OEM valves. This enables us to operate as a solo valve management partner.

Valve management: benefits for plant managers

  • Identification of ‘bad actor’ valves
  • Advanced solutions that prevent repeat occurrence of problems
  • Improved MTBF rates
  • Cohesive approach, aligned with shutdown or outage schedules
  • Reduced purchasing complexity
  • Fewer third party site visits.

An international offering

Severn’s industrial services are increasingly being deployed overseas to support established plant in emerging and developing markets.The complementary strengths and capabilities of our network of international facilities enable competitive production and management – without compromising standards.

Pushing the frontiers of valve engineering

Your end-to-end partner - from design and manufacture through to maintenance, management and re-engineering to extend valve life.

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