Your reliable end-to-end partner

An all-in-one proposition from Severn – a single source vendor, offering complete valve solutions to secure your safety and commercial objectives.

Sixty years of technical excellence in severe service valve manufacture

Severn’s proud engineering heritage – our long track record of solving client problems – gives depth and substance to our modern-day operating principles: understanding the specifications, challenges and opportunities of clients – then applying our technical prowess to create best-in-class products for deployment in energy sectors around the world.

A global network of resources and capabilities – at your service

From the outset, Severn has sought to add value with a superior service offering that’s ultimately designed to optimise performance on your behalf. It encompasses expert testing, repair and maintenance, of course, but also extends into full valve management strategies formulated to align precisely with your operational requirements.

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Pushing the frontiers of valve engineering

Your end-to-end partner - from design and manufacture through to maintenance, management and re-engineering to extend valve life.

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